Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. I Thess. 5:21

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I realize that more than half a year has elapsed between my last post and the one before that, so I want to take a minute and address why I was silent for so long. Last August I decided that it would be in my best interest to take a step back and spend some time being introspective. In addition the comments to the last few posts that I wrote were spiraling out of control and as I read them through a couple of times I couldn't help wondering if I wasn't having a divisive influence that was not at all my intention. I want to be sure not only that my motives are pure but also that I'm aware of the implications of my actions, intended or not. This is really the reason that I've not written in so long.

Please understand that I took this action of self censure on my own and of my own accord. I've not been asked to quit writing by anyone, except maybe for whoever is pretending to be Bro. Dyal. A little bit of reassessment is never a bad thing and I would suggest that everyone does it once in a while like I have these last few months.

Even during this silent period though there have been a few subjects that have burdened my heart and I really feel that the Lord has been bringing these thing up over and over in my life as a call to speak the truth to anyone who will hear it (Matt 13:9). Simply put, last week's post won't be my last, although I don't know if I will be posting with near the regularity as I have in the past. It seems that if you have even a moment of down time life finds a way to fill it up, and I have many more responsibilities soaking up my time than I did a year ago, but I expect I will find the time to blog when I can. I hope you are looking forward to me writing again as much as I am.

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